Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keep on trying!

I have decided to only post my blog once per week, so that I have enough time to follow the 30 blogs set up by my students. For most of them, this was their first blog ever and for those who may have blogged before, it is their first reflective blog. I am so impressed that my students have embraced this space to express themselves as they "reflect thoughtfully on their thinking as they experience this class." The course requirement is that "each entry should reflect issues related to new ideas, challenges faced, insights or “aha” moments, thoughtful questions, clarifications needed, and/or appraise opinions related to the ideas studied or expressed in the articles, or discussed in class." My students are really digging deep and paying attention to what they are learning about themselves and their practice. So what did I learn from my classes this week? I learnt that people rise to challenges, if they are motivated to do so. Most of my students are motivated to do their course because they want to be better teachers. People also want to be actively involved in their learning: after all we remember 90% of what they do. My technological "aha" moment for the week was try it, and if it fails, try again. Don't give up. Because you did not give up on using computers, or trying to set up a blog. You can read this today. All the best!


  1. "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."
    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. Thanks for that wonderful reminder Elham!

  3. Find your start then you will go quickly & more creatively than you expect.This is one of my methods in performing a task.Just pick the thread at any point.Keep it,do not loose it .then it is so easy to pull it ALL.SO,if you get the idea ,keep in triggering.These thoughts came to me from Prophet Youssef's story when he was thrown in the dark deep well.I can imagine how he insisted to pull the rope to let people outside the well to rescue him.OF course he kept trying & he saved his life. Does this has relation to our goals. I think so.

  4. thanks Dr.Joyanne this is really a great motivation, I will keep it up.

  5. Thanks Dr joyanne
    I liked last week course. I kept thinking since then can I do it ?! My most aha moment is that how simple that camera was and how effective and practical it turned to be and that they are teachers, just teachers like us !

  6. really setting up a blog wasn`t very difficult .But at last we managed to set it up .It`s really a wonderful time keeping trying till we can realize our goals .That`s what teachers should stick to .They should stick to permnant trials aiming for lifelong learning
